Monday, March 8, 2021

Cancel Culture

I'm feeling much better now that a month ago and am pursuing my writing career with vigor. Unfortunately, I missed publishing to the blog here yesterday, so I thought I'd catch up today. And my topic is the popular riff of "Cancel Culture" being cried about by people who never thought about not having some things until someone said they couldn't have them.

I'm offended.

But also easily amused. In a world that seems to be obsessed with whether a copyright holder and publisher can stop publishing a fifty-year-old book and the gender of a plastic potato, I am obsessed with what they did to our keyboards. I loaded a picture of an old electric typewriter as my desktop wallpaper and started looking at it. Here's a change. I assume you spotted it. It's in the Return and Backspace key. Now known more commonly as Enter and Delete.

On the typewriter keyboard, the arrows point up and to the right while on the computer keyboard they point down and to the left. I'm incredibly upset about the cancel culture that did away with the correct icons for a keyboard!

Of course, there is a logical explanation, just like there is for every other cancel culture post I've read. In word processing, the Enter key moves the cursor down and to the left on the page. On the typewriter, the Return key moved the carriage to the right and the paper up a line. The Delete key moves the cursor left a space while the Backspace moves the carriage right a space.

Unless you read a language that reads right to left.

Please. I'm sure this is as important to be offended about as not being able to fly a foreign flag over our government offices.

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