Wednesday, August 7, 2013

T-minus 3. Yikes!

It seems like there is still so much to do before I can hitch up and roll. Laundry is about finished and then I'm doing a thorough cleaning of the Lance 1685. I'm going to have to be careful about keeping things put away in the trailer. I also need to clean the toilet and sinks, organize the pantry, stock the last pots and pans, pick up another pillow and a light blanket, and make sure the grill and other items are properly stowed. How much water in the fresh tank do I need to haul? Where will I dump the waste water that has accumulated before the outset? Can I really take a shower I that little stall? How well will food travel in the refrigerator? Will the canned goods be heavy enough to open the cabinet? How will I secure that?

Deep breath.

What about Mark's new book? When will I finish the layout? I need a contract for Jason. Keys for the safe deposit box. Karlene's template. My next book that I haven't written anything on in three weeks. The next article for Line Zero. Backup copies of the book files for the safe. And of the contracts. Spreadsheet of my accounts and passwords so things could be shut down if something happened to me.

Something happen to me?

I need to update my will. Finish my legal papers. File the 2012 taxes. Inventory the house with values and draw up the agreement. Consolidate my websites. When am I ever going to get the Elder Road website operational? What's wrong with it? Oh yes, and pay royalties. Send financials to the appropriate places.

As I write this, I am exactly 73 hours and 25 minutes from my estimated time of departure. I may not sleep before Saturday!

Bon Voyage!


  1. It's Friday down here, a few more hours and counting down. So jealous of you making this journey. So looking forward to hearing all about it BUT never lose sight that it is all about You doing what You want to do, living your dream, don't worry about us because we're just the watchers.

    Happy Trails mate.

    May the sun rise up to meet you....

    Cheers, Ian

  2. hey, there, hi! as for water hauling, here's a tip from us full-timers...water's heavy and it takes fuel to move it. Unless you plan to dry-camp on the road, only haul about a 1/4 tank at a time, and fill up at your next stop.
    Safe and happy travels! xoxoxo Audrey and Ken
