Sunday, August 11, 2013

Day Two--Exploring Wenatchee

After last night's storms, Q and I got a late start this morning. Well she did. I was up about six, made coffee, and went outside to survey the damage. Remarkable that there was little or no damage here in the park. A couple of twigs and a blown away sign, but nothing more significant. Even the tent campers seemed to come through it without any problem.

"It" what? After dinner last night the wind started to pick up and rain came. I got everything tied down and packed away, including rolling in the awning. By ten I was dozing off, but every so often the trailer would rock with the force of the wind. Then about midnight--maybe earlier as I was in and out of sleep--the thunder and lightning started. Quite a display in the sky and very noisy. A couple times our power went out (we're connected to shore power) and Q says that even the Internet went out which is dependent on cellular service. The rain pelted down. So that's what "it" was that the tent campers made it through.

I made bacon and eggs in a nest for breakfast, using the grill as a stove outside. That was only partly successful. Everything got cooked, but it uses a lot of gas to do what would take very little on the stove. I'll either cook pan things in the kitchen on the stove or pick up a small camp stove for cooking outdoors on. I went in to suggest that we go into town, only to find Q asleep again. It was 11:30 before she finally came outside again. So we headed off to explore Wenatchee. That took ten minutes.

Actually, we went to Fred Meyer where I found a hose that was safe for drinking water that I could replace my split hose with. Also picked up a small broom and a toilet brush. Gotta do some cleaning around here. We stopped at the Wenatchee Valley Mall and I picked up sheets for the guest bed that would fit. We found coffee, had lunch at a Sonic drive-in that really wasn't very good, either in service or flavor. Don't bother getting chicken at a place that specializes in burgers. Should have gone to KFC.

On the way back to camp we stopped at a couple fruit markets and got yummy peaches and nectarines. Around six I grilled a steak for myself and chicken for Q. Okay, this isn't going to be a blog about what I had to eat every night, but look at this and tell me it isn't worth the picture!

This was from Costco, but I can't wait to get some of Ava's steaks from Paradise Ranch over Labor Day.

The storms started to roll in again after dinner and I pulled in the awning and stowed everything securely. We got a little rain and a lot of wind and a little after 8:30 it all seemed to have blown over. We'll see what the day brings tomorrow.

Speaking of which, we're pulling up stakes tomorrow morning and heading East to Spring Valley RV Park. Nearly 200 miles, but I think we'll be pretty relaxed. Just have to follow the checklist!

Until then!

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