Friday, September 27, 2024

Three-quarters of a Century!

I’m seventy-five years old today. That gives me pause. Three-quarters of a century living on this earth. Happy birthday to Pat G. and Carol H. who were birthday twins when I was in high school. I often stop to reflect on my birthday, but somehow it seems more significant this year. I wonder not only where the time has gone, but where the sense of my generation has gone.

Let me explain.

When I was in high school, I was a little strange. I admit it. Too religious for most of my classmates. My hypocrisy was hidden beneath a thin veneer of piety. I planned to be a preacher. They planned a party on Saturday night. I studied to learn all I could from the Bible and from other religious writings. And when it came down to it, I realized when I was around forty that I was more of a pagan than a Christian—not that I was a particularly good pagan either. According to my few Facebook friends from that era, I’ve changed places. I’m headed for the casino on Saturday night and they’re preparing for church.

That’s just one of the many changes. Having abandoned any formal semblance of Christianity, I still maintain some of the basic principles that I’ve found are almost universally held, whether in Christian writings, Moslem writings, Buddhist writings, or Pagan writings. Every major religion has a variation of the “Golden Rule” at its heart: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Or:

“That which is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow. That is the entire Law; all the rest is commentary.” (Judaism)

“No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself.” (Islam)

“Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful.” (Buddhism)

“This is the sum of duty: do naught unto others which would cause you pain if done to you.” (Hinduism)

In my positive take as a pagan, “Treat others the way they’d like to be treated. It isn’t about you.”

Officially a curmudgeon.

When I was a teen, and in my twenties, I was part of a generation that ended an illegal and unjust war and promised to never again draft teens to fight rich men’s battles. We marched for civil rights. We campaigned for voter rights. We found the 15th amendment—“The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” 1870—or the 19th amendment—“The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.” 1920—or the 24th amendment banning poll taxes in 1964, we banded together to push the 26th amendment—“The right of citizens of the United States, who are 18 years of age or older, to vote, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age.” 1971--all to be inadequate.

When all these voter rights amendments still failed to guarantee voter equality, we fought for the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, forbidding discrimination based on race, color, religion, or national origin, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, prohibiting racial discrimination in voting. The latter was subsequently amended five times to expand that prohibition to extend the non-discrimination clauses to other minorities.

We campaigned for women’s rights, including the right to have a personal bank account, to have a credit card, to buy a house, to have access to abortion and sexual healthcare, and to work for a wage comparable to men in similar positions. We fought for gay rights and marriage equality, including the right to interracial marriage. Hell, we even fought for the legalization of marijuana!

And we succeeded! Mostly.

But as we have seen repeatedly in the past few years, the people (mostly the men, but a lot of happy old ladies, too) of my generation have rebelled against the threat of becoming one of those protected minorities. They want to retain their position of power and privilege more than they want to protect the rights of individuals.

In the past ten years, we have seen voter roll purges, discrimination against populations who live remotely, and concentrated efforts to disenfranchise poor voters or voters with different cultural heritages or primary languages. We have seen the systematic destruction of women’s rights and employment anti-discrimination. We have watched idly as whatever party is in power manipulates re-districting to its advantage.

We have sat idly by as the Supreme Court reversed decisions of courts in our generation and systematized discriminatory practices. We have seen them place the religious rights of so-called Christians (no other religions) above all other rights with the possible exception of the right to bear arms. All so my generation can remain in power and hand that power off to their sons.

I am deeply ashamed.

DO NOT EVEN THINK OF FORGIVING MY GENERATION! Don’t forgive us for dismantling the rights we fought for so we can hang onto the threads of power we wield like reins over an unruly team.

If you will be eighteen years old or older by November 5, 2024, register to vote and make your voice heard! That’s one right we have not succeeded in reversing. Yet. Check to be sure you appear on the voter registration roll in your state.

And then vote, goddamn it!

I don’t care which way you vote. You are voting for your life. If you are happy to see these fundamental rights removed, then vote for those you agree with. If you are unhappy with it, this could be your last chance to vote to change it. Either way, vote to determine the kind of laws and brand of justice you want for your future.

All I ask is that you put aside hatred and prejudice, and vote for the good of humanity. Do unto others (all others) as you would have them do unto you.

And happy birthday to me.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

My Devon Layne books have not been banned in Texas or Florida

I wish to point out that this is an oversight on the part of book burners in every part of the country.

Join my Devon Layne Patreon and get it all sooner!

My Devon Layne books contain explicit descriptions of sexual relations.

Of course, I wouldn’t expect to be banned for that. What middle age white male in America doesn’t thrive on a good explicit description of sexual relations. Gotta get it up somehow!

"Photo Finish" book 1, to be released October 2, 2022.

Ah, but my books also include:

1. Strong defense of racial equality in all aspects of life, including relationships with people of other races, voting rights, and acknowledgement of racism in our everyday life in America.
2. Strong defense of women’s rights, including rights over their own bodies (Yes, including abortion) and access to medical services and prescriptions regardless of the bigoted religious beliefs of the provider or their employer.
3. Strong defense of non-“traditional” marriage, including same sex marriage, polygamous marriage, interracial marriage, and group marriage.
4. Strong support for those suffering from depression and any other “invisible” illness that incapacitates them or leaves them too weak to meet others’ expectations.
5. Strong support for LGBTQIA and non-binary humans, including their right to choose and live the life they want and or need to.
6. Strong opposition to gun violence, whether in civilian or military situations.
7. Strong denunciation of child trafficking and sex trafficking in every permutation in which it raises its ugly head.
8. Strong support for religious freedom, including my right to think all of them are pretty stupid and to be able to choose to ignore them without having their peculiar beliefs foisted off on me as law, science, or medicine.
9. Strong opposition to abuse in every situation, whether sexual abuse, child abuse, mental abuse, or physical abuse. Or animal abuse.
10. Strong support for science, medicine, and the teaching of history, the non-regulation of teachers (especially by concerned parents who have their heads stuck generally up their asses so far they can see the empty cavern where their hearts should be), free education of the masses, open libraries, and utter literary freedom.

"Photo Finish" Book 2, to be released January 15, 2023.

I believe these pretty much account for the main reasons books have been banned. Hence, I submit to you that not banning my books has been an oversight in Texas and Florida.

However, Amazon has blocked two of my books, causing me to not release three more on their platform. They further made releasing Bob’s Memoir Volume 1 so difficult that I did not attempt to release Volumes 2 & 3 on their platform. I would count this as a banning, but all seven of those books are available on both Bookapy and Barnes and Noble.

"Photo Finish" Book 3, to be released March 26, 2022.

So, I consider it critical that everyone rush right out and buy all forty of my eBooks currently available on before an illiterate Texas or Florida fanatic has a visitation by an angel and gets around to banning them. Literary freedom and the rights of authors and readers everywhere are at stake!

And don’t forget—in two weeks, book number 41, Full Frame, will hit the eBook shelves, as it begins serialization on SOL. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 25, 2022

How time flies when you're on the road!

I'm on a summer journey of some 5,000 or 6,000 miles and I forgot to update the First Exit blog! Well, I won't try to catch up everything in one post. Suffice it to say that I've spent time with the family in Seattle, visited friends in Minnesota, done research in Iowa for a story that I've already completed--but I might as well find out how good I did--researched another story through northern Illinois and Chicago, visited my sister in Ohio, and am currently creeping westward back to Las Vegas. Current location is just slightly east of Kansas City where I camped so I could eat a Porterhouse Steak and some great Barbecue.

Yes, that 30oz Porterhouse is bigger than my head.
But in all fairness, it will make three or four meals.

The Porterhouse is from Jess & Jims Steakhouse in Martin City, MO. I remembered it from when I was training in Kansas City a couple of weeks a month. Served with a twice baked potato with all the fixin's, Texas Toast, and pickled beets. Yum!
What would Kansas City be without barbecue???
This rib lunch (and tomorrow's breakfast) from Zarda's Barbecue.

UIndy Class of 1972 Homecoming Reunion

Okay, now on to two important bits of news. First, I've bought my tickets and reserved a room in Indianapolis for my UIndy 50-year class reunion the first weekend of October. It's going to be an expensive weekend, but I figure it might be the last time I get a chance to visit the alma mater and I'll possibly see some friends and classmates. David? Are you going to meet me there?

Full Frame is about to release!

Second, I'm getting ready to release what will probably be my biggest Devon Layne book ever. It will be the first in the Photo Finish Trilogy and is titled Full Frame. The release date is October 2, 2022.
This is the Web edition cover for Full Frame. A story set in the 1960s.

Nate Hart, class of 1968, has just been uprooted from his lifelong home in Chicago by his mother’s new career: Methodist minister. Moving to a small town in northwestern Illinois just before his junior year in high school, is going to mean starting over in life. But Nate’s passion for photography will lead him to other passions as he becomes his new school’s official photographer. It seems the girls in his school think it’s okay to expose themselves more than current standards would allow, because he’s just the photographer. No one else will see them, right? What Nate sees in the full frame of his photographs, however, will change the town. This story contains explicit sexuality as experienced and related by a teenage boy in the 1960s. Adult audiences only.

Oh! That sounds autobiographical! No, it really isn't. The setup probably sounds like me in my teens, but I assure you, there is no character or actual action in this story that bears more than a passing resemblance to just about everyone in the 1960s. But you have to start someplace and as I looked back on what it was like to move to a new town in the mid-sixties, it seemed like a fertile field for me to plant a completely fictional story in.

Please don't assume that either my life or the lives of any of my classmates or relatives are the basis for anything in this story. You'd only be insulted.

I'm looking for reviewers for the massive tome (260,000 words!) In fact, I have an Advance Review Copy eBook (ARC) ready to send to reviewers now. (Officially September 1, but it's ready now.) If you are a reviewer on any platform that reviews adult content, please let me know and I'll get you a copy. If you know such a reviewer, please put us in touch.

Why is this book so long???

Well, I write for a market that reads serials. They get two chapters a week and demand that those chapters contain a sufficient amount to keep them satisfied for three days between chapters. They want long stories that will get them emotionally involved with sympathetic characters. They want a hero who has some great talent or skill on which to build his life. And they want love interests that develop beyond the point of holding hands. Well, beyond.

What I find interesting is that the five to ten thousand readers in this format also want something that truly tugs at their emotions and I assure you, this story has moments that will make you laugh out loud and moments that will bring you to tears. In all, it is an uplifting story of coming of age in an uncertain era. We were dealing with racial tensions and civil rights, the war in Vietnam, the draft, presidential elections that had no good choice, and an era in which women were just beginning to discover they had equal rights with men--a battle that continues today.

  • In the 1960s, pantyhose first became affordable and popular. They did not exceed hose in sales until 1970!
  • Birth control pills were first approved by the FDA in 1960, and the Supreme Court affirmed the right of MARRIED WOMEN to have access to them in 1965. Birth control access was not affirmed for all Americans until 1972!
  • Passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964 followed protests like the Selma to Montgomery march led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, who was assassinated in April of 1968.
  • The Supreme Court in 1967 finally ruled that people had the right to marry people of different races.
  • 2.2 million American men were drafted between 1964 and 1973. 58,220 died there and countless others suffer the continuing death of Agent Orange yet today.
  • Riots broke out during protests in Harlem, Watts, New Jersey, Detroit, and Chicago (where police rioted during the 1968 Democratic National Convention). 
  • Beatlemania hit in 1963 and we had good music for almost ten years!
I had a lot of great material to hang a story around. I'm looking forward to this release!

Well, that's the extent of my ramblings for this August afternoon. Tomorrow I'll be moving my camp westward to Salina, KS for the weekend. Whoopee!

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Ready to migrate

It’s been a while since I updated the blog. No promises about whether I’ll be more frequent in the future. By the time I finished getting my Patreon members updated, which involves updating my websites and getting new stories up for patrons to read, it was time to go out and get a few groceries and refill my water jugs. Got back and gobbled down some of Albertson’s roast chicken and suddenly realized it was six in the evening. How did it get so late so soon?

Well, here in Las Vegas, spring has sprung and it’s summer now.

It was up to 87 earlier in the day. Dry and gusty winds make it fire weather. Quick start and quick spread. Who knows what comes next? It is definitely time to start considering my northward migration and I expect to head out well before the end of the month. I still have another dentist appointment to get out of the way on the fifteenth and then I’m free.

April 23 was #UIndyDay and I participated by wearing my Alumni shirt and posting pictures of life on campus and a history of greyhounds. Here’s a sample:

Visit to UIndy campus in 2014.

With Lucy and Bliss in 2009.

My sophomore year in 1969, as the Player King in Hamlet.

My set for King Lear in 1971.

I posted quite an album on Facebook, so you can pick up the rest there.

April was a very productive month. I did a book layout for one of my clients and it’s ready to go as soon as we have a cover. It was also April Camp NaNoWriMo. My newest complete endeavor, Bob’s Memoir: 4,000 Years as a Free Demon, volume 3, was all written in April as part of camp. 88,600 words.

As if that wasn’t enough, I got stung by the new great idea bug and started writing a new coming of age story set in the ’60s, called Full Frame.

So, on top of my 88,600 for NaNoWriMo, I wrote 68,900 on this new story! This takes an autobiographical setting and then totally upends it as a fiction. Pretty much none of the actual details of the story happened in real life. Only the set-up.

When sixteen-year-old Nate moved with his family to a small town in northwestern Illinois, he thought he’d been moved to the edge of the world. One more step and he’d fall off into Iowa. Joining the class of ’68 in a new school was going to present a lot of challenges, including how to keep his passion for photography alive. He’s about to discover how fast word of a new kid in town can travel.

My alpha reader had this to say:

"I can see why you’re excited about this one.  Based on the first few chapters, this has Team Manager already beat, hands down!!!"

My first line editor has been snatching pages as they come out of my virtual typewriter. He asked how long this was going to be. I just said, “Long.” His reply:

"No shock for one of yours involving teens. I suspect these kids will do what most characters do—take over and insist on all their stories being told. And why not? That gets to be even more fun."

So, I’m churning out three or four thousand words a day on this new story obsession of mine. It’s not like I don’t have a draft of Team Manager CHAMP! that needs its polishing rewrite, or the just-finished Bob’s Memoir that my editors are waiting for. But there are so many stories to be told and I’ve told so few of them so far!

I’m also contemplating creating a calendar for 2023 that has covers of my Nathan Everett and Devon Layne books as illustrations for the months. Kind of an old fashioned idea in this electronic age, but I’m thinking it would be fun to put out a paper calendar. Just need to find a good POD calendar maker. Or maybe I’ll order a couple hundred and mail out signed copies. Interested?

Guess that’s all the news from windy hot Vegas today. I’ve really enjoyed seeing shows this winter with my neighbors and with friends and relatives who came to visit while I’m here. Last night we saw up and coming comedienne Zaidan Johnson. Great! Hoping for a repeat next winter.

Mapping my route north now.


Sunday, January 30, 2022

Hearing Renewed

The big news is that I got new hearing aids this past week. Wow! I had no idea y’all were so noisy!

I guess that goes for me, too. I always considered myself a rather quiet person. Now, I can hear every breath I take and sometimes I think I hear my heart beating. Imagine being trapped inside an old time radio show where sound effects are the major clue to what is going on. The author sits at his typewriter and you hear every click of the keys as he frantically types out the climactic scene. He pours a cup of coffee and you hear the liquid gurgling into the cup. He walks across the floor, pacing up and down—clump, clump, clump. The neighbor’s chihuahua at the end of the block barks and half a mile away, someone starts a leaf blower.

Get the idea? It’s like having all those miscellaneous sounds pumped into my head through amplifiers in my ears. Would you people be quiet?!!

Nonetheless, I’ve been able to have an intelligent conversation with friends and attended a live comedy show in which I was forced to understand all the jokes. This comedian was so old he’s still making Covid jokes. I’ve turned down the volume on my television, my computer, my phone, and my stereo. I’m getting my music from Pandora piped directly to my hearing aids and I had forgotten what I was missing when I listened. Phone calls? I can hear the person on the other end without putting it on speaker phone and holding it against my head. The conversation is pumped directly to my hearing aids. No, Medicare Advisor, I still don’t want to talk to you.

I won’t say it is a whole new world, but it is certainly a world I hadn’t experienced for some time. I’ll take it.

But seriously, shh!!!

I released the third book in the Team Manager series this week. Team Manager COACH! is selling well and will go into serialization at on Tuesday. It’s not at quite the pace of the previous two releases, but still selling well. I’m working on a final volume, which will disappoint some readers that I’m not taking the story further, but the longer a series goes, the fewer readers it has. Team Manager SPRINT! ended on Saturday with about 7,000 active readers on SOL. That’s down from 9,000 for Team Manager SWISH!

In the meantime, I’ve nearly finished the rewrite of my 2021 NaNoWriMo effort, Bob’s Memoir: 4,000 Years as a Free Demon. Unlike most of my rewrites, this one is growing instead of shrinking. I wrote 150,000 words in November and now it’s closing in on 200,000 and well over fifty chapters. And my alpha reader, Les, keeps telling me I can’t end it there. It needs to be longer. Bob can’t just ride off into the sunset never to be heard from again.

Well, 4,000 years of history certainly gives me plenty of opportunities for more stories from Bob’s experiences. Maybe there is another volume coming. So far, Bob has had encounters with the Olympian gods, the Sumerian gods, Jesus, a goddess in Indonesia, a couple of feuding Maori gods, and a few gods of the Caribbean and the Mayans. He’s met Hammurabi, Nebuchadnezzar, Xerxes, Alexander, Caesar, and Kublai Khan. He’s built palaces and temples in Crete, Mesopotamia, India, Japan, China, Mali, Italy, Chicago, and I probably missed some. He’s fought against slavery and trafficking for 4,000 years and has still only made a small dent. And he joined the space program. He’s had sex with Helen of Troy, Aphrodite, and Cleopatra. He’s been on every continent except Antarctica. I’m sure I can come up with a few more adventures for him.

I expect to start pre-releasing Bob’s Memoir to my patrons in a couple of weeks with public release in about mid-March.

That’s the highlights for this month! Stay tuned.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Yuletide greetings!

And, of course, by that I mean Happy Solstice! I’m headed for Seattle Monday for a quick trip to celebrate Yule hosted by my daughter (at her mother’s house). Will be back here in Las Vegas in a few days.

Solstice 2005

Mostly, the weather here has been sunny and mild. Warm all through November, but cooling down this month. I’ve spent a lot of time sitting on my patio in my new Adirondack chair writing. It will be mid-50s today, so I plan to get out there again this afternoon. It’s been one of the great pleasures of being in Vegas.

So, you might ask, what have I been writing?

I’m so glad you asked.

As you might remember, I have a long-running series posting at called “Team Manager.” It was a sudden inspiration that struck me in mid-March, and by the end of May, I’d released Team Manager SWISH! online and as an eBook that instantly became my best seller of all time with over 900 copies sold so far! I know that’s a drop in the bucket for some of the authors I know, but it was a major victory for me and provided the down payment on my new home. Since that time, I’ve completed two more books in the series. The second, Team Manager SPRINT!, was released in October and Team Manager COACH! is finished and slated for release on February 1, 2022. Which means, of course, that I’m now busy writing the fourth book in the series, Team Manager CHAMP!, with a mid-June release in mind.

But wait! There’s more!

In addition to interrupting my writing of Team Manager with the writing and release of Jackie the Beanstalk, in July and August, I interrupted it again to write a 150,000-word tome for NaNoWriMo this year, titled Bob’s Memoir: 4000 Years as a Free Demon. As you can well-imagine, knocking out a work that long in such a short time (30 days) means there is a fair amount of re-writing and editing to be done, but I’m happy to say that it fills pockets of time while I’m focused on Team Manager 4 and even my rough draft isn’t half bad. I can usually figure that a NaNoWriMo book will require a 90% rewrite by the time it’s finished. It looks like Bob might only require 50%.

In between times, I’m still trying to make time for two other books that I interrupted in order to write the first Team Manager book and haven’t managed to get back to yet! I don’t think I’ll run out of words to write anytime soon.

Solstice 2013

So, as I head north for this quick Solstice break, I’m thinking of the three ritual questions that I always ask.

1.    What do you want to leave behind from this year?

That is a fairly easy question for me. I had my second heart ablation in February and I’m done with it. Haven’t had a bad flutter since. I hope I’m joining many others worldwide who are ready to leave illness, disease, and sickness of mind and body behind.

2.    What do you want to be remembered from this year?

That, too, is an easy one for me. The family and friends celebrated a joyful occasion this summer as my daughter got married. I am so happy to see the amazing young woman she has grown into and to welcome a fine son-in-law to the family. I love them to bursting!

3.    What are your hopes for the year to come?

Well, that one is always a tough one for me. Selfishly? I’d like a couple of new books to break old sales records. I’ll be happy, however, to see a year of friends and family, safe travels, and good health. It doesn’t really take that much to make me happy.

Whatever winter holidays you are celebrating this month, I hope you have a joyous time and that your own answers to the above questions prove positive.